"Why do you have to mention me in all your blog's posts? It seems you randomly pick a paper from inside a fishbowl and everytime my name is written on it"
- Mr. X on Jan 9th 2011
For my next couple of posts I'll avoid talking about Magic, since that will most of the times indirectly lead to Mr. X.
During my times in Beijing I came across many interesting individuals, one of the most peculiar ones being my good friend, let's call her "Miss X" to preserve her identity. Bonus points if you can write down her real name, first and last.
Sometimes me and Miss X would have communication problems so to say, since my native language is Portuguese and hers is a South East Asia language (it's not that I don't know which one, I just rather not reveal her identity). Luckily, we shared not one, but two other languages, English and Chinese, problem is our levels of these languages aren't quite the same which leads to some awkward situations.
For ex, a conversation in Chinese between us.
(Note for those who don't understand Chinese)
问 - wen
to ask
to inquire after
吻 - wen
a kiss
to kiss
Hey Miss X, wo yao wen ni!
Hey Miss X, I want to ask you
Miss X:
Ni yao wen wo ma?
You want to kiss me?
Dui, wo yao wen ni.
Yes, I want to ask you.
Miss X:
Hao de! (giggles) Ni wen wo ba (giggles)
Ok! (giggles) Go ahead and kiss me (giggles)
Ni zhidao, wo men shang ge xingqi qu guo de difang zai nar?
You know, that place we went last week, where is it?
Miss X:
O, yuanlai ni yao wen wo, bu shi wen wo.
Oh, you wanted to ask me, not kiss me after all
Dui, shi wo gang gang shuo de!
Yes, that's what I just said!
As you can imagine Me and Miss X we often talk but our conversations aren't quite productive. However this is quite understandable, at the time we were just starting to learn the awful language that is Chinese. Our conversations in English are also far from being perfect. There was one time where I go meet Miss X, and when I was about to go back the following conversation happened.
Me: That was fun, it was nice meeting you.
Miss X: Uhm, I'll have to work now, but come meet me afterwards.
Me: Right, I will. So I guess I'll see you later, bye!
Miss X: Wait! Before you go, you have to give me kiss!
Me: What?
Miss X: Kiss, Kiss!
Me: I'm sorry I didn't quite get what you said...
Miss X: Give me kiss!
Me: You know, we've been friends for some time....
Miss X: Kiiiissssssssss
Me: ... so this is kind of awkward...
Miss X: Kiiiiiiiiiis Kiiiiiiiiiiiis
Me: ... and uhm,
Miss X: Hurry up! Kiss!
Me: totally unexpected...
Miss X: I need Kiiiiiiiiiiiis.
Me: ...besides...
Miss X: I don't have kiiiiiiiss to go home.
Me: Oh, you don't have your keys with you?
Miss X: Yes, the kiiis, what were you thinking?
Me: Right, the keys, obvz, what was I thinking?
Miss X: Then give me kiiis!
Me: What? Are you out of your mind, I don't have your keys!
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