Tuesday, August 23, 2011
An open letter about the early 2012 Grand Prix schedule
For those of you who don't know me, (and I will be happy if you don't because it means I'm reaching new readers and audiences now that I will write something more serious) my name is Tiago Chan from Portugal. I used to be a Magic Pro Player between 2005 and 2008 and I even reached Level 8 on the Pro Tour Player's club which helped me play Pro Tours wherever the DCI would host them and Grand Prixs all over the world. I played events all over Europe and North America, several countries of Asia and Australia.
I love Magic, but as much as I love it, I believe the persons who make decisions about Magic, either rules, design, development, organized play, marketing, love it more than I do. I usually trust and try to accept every change they make to the game, and truth is most of the times their actions prove to be right, and when don't they keep on changing.
I am however extremely disappointed with the teaser preview revealing the calendar for the early 2012.
I'm disappointed with what was done. I'm disappointed with what was not done and could've been.
8 Grand Prixs in the USA, 1 in Japan, 1 in Malaysia, 1 in Australia, 1 in Mexico, 3 in Europe.
Looking back in time, I was sad when they decided to cut the number of Pro Tours and Grand Prixs even tough attendance was rising and rising to absurd numbers. I was obviously happy when earlier they announced they would be largely increasing the number of Grand Prixs.
So, what's wrong with the early 2012 calendar?
1 a) It is USA centered
1 b) It's an answer to the SCG Open Series
One country has more events than the rest of the World combined.
The SCG Open series proved to be the most sucessful tournament circuit outside the Pro Tour and Grand Prix circuit. It grew to a whole US National level, and from here it is very well possible it's globalization, there is already an SCG Qualifier in Germany. It took advantage of the many free weekends caused by the reduction of events, created a realiable tournament system, already made some stars, showed that in the US there is enough demand for week after week high level events across the country. It helped cause the boom of Legacy and eternal formats. If SCG dared to host an Open Event on the same date of a Grand Prix, there would be players opting for the SCG.
As a costumer I feel Wotc / DCI main motives aren't improving the overall experience at competitive events, but instead to reclaim the US tournament scene which they gradually lost over the years to independent TO's, due to Wotc own negligence. But while doing so, atractting the US players will raise concerns on the rest of the World.
And how are they going to award points to the POY race? Under the new calendar the old Pro Points distribution will not make for a fair competition. Other than Shuuhei, Saito, Martin Juza and PV I don't think any non US-player has a chance to be POY in 2012. But I'm confident that new announcements will come, either the extinction of the POY Title, or making a Pro Tour POY and a Grand Prix POY, or just a never thought before method of awarding points, whatever it is, without changes there isn't a fair POY competition.
2 - The Grand Prixs in the rest of the world have all been done before.
I had high expectation when they announced the high increase of GP numbers, I tought they could go back to, or explore new GP locations, but even when I ignore the USA GP's and focus on the rest of the world, I'm unexcited. Try to understand, months earlier I was excited with the hype created about upcoming chances, and when a teaser shows up, it reveals nothing new, nothing to be excited, nothing to get us wondering on the rest of the calendar.
Japan - every year hosts multiple GP's.
Malaysia - every year there's a GP in Southeast Asia, in between Thailand, Phillipines, Malaysia or Singapore.
Australia - same as above.
Mexico City - Hosted Grand Prixs before, but this was the one who excited me the most.
It's even worse in Europe. GP's in Spain, France and Italy? I mean, that's a given, no matter if there are 6 or 10 Grand Prixs in Europe they will host in those countries. After hearing of Grand Prixs in Spain, Italy, and France, and calculating that the Grand Prixs in Europe will be increased to 10, here is my speculation for the remaining European ones.
UK (tip don't do it in London duting the Olympics)
Poland or Czech Republic
Austria or Switzerland
Because every single year is like that.
But imagine what would happen, the hype that would be created if there was a GP in for example Turkey, or Russia, Greece, or a country east of Austria, a country never visited or visited so long ago. But by announcing Spain, France and Italy in the teaser-trailer of the calendar, the reaction is: There are major changes in the USA, but everything remains as it is in the rest of the World.
3- Honolulu as a Pro Tour location is starting to get worned out.
I admit it the first one was nice and received nice feedback from the players. The second one lost some of the magic, and the third one I feel it's totally deja-vu, it doesn't create excitement. But Wizards seems to think that by announcing Pro Tour Honolulu #3 everyone will jump from his chair and high 5 the closest person.
Newsflash. When you see all those facebook status updates like "DING Q'd for Honolulu", "Won a PTQ for Honolulu" with 87 likes below, or "Yes Honolulu here I come", replace Honolulu with any other Pro Tour location. People are just excited that they Qualified for the Pro Tour.
Give the following Poll at Pro Tour Philadelphia to every competitor: You can only choose to attend one: PT Honolulu or PT Japan. (and note how frequent are PT's in Japan). I would be more excited with PT NY than PT Honolulu.
So if Wotc thinks that announcing PT Honolulu was a trump card, I hope they have a better one. Honolulu as nice as it may be, and while appreciated by the players, it didn't made any player anywhere in the World thrilled with excitement. But what about, if in the teaser release of the early 2012 calendar, the first revealed Pro Tour was Rio de Janeiro?
An entire continent would explode in excitement in particular Brazil of course. The regular Gravy trainers who actually enjoy to sightsee would probably be more excited going to Rio than Honolulu. And it would pass a clear message: There are new things happening in 2012 Stay tuned!
Maybe it was just my expectations were too high, but I feel unfair the disproportion between USA and the rest of the World feels the upgrades were made because of and for the USA scene, and I'm unexcited with the rest of the world locations revealed because there's nothing that can make me curious of what will happen, but rather more of the same.
If you like me are disappointed or unsatisfied or unexcited with the announcement or feel it's unfair, or just liked what I wrote, please help me pass the message. Share this link, I would like to have as many players and Wotc employees reading it.
Thank you
Tiago Chan
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
PT Nats 2011 - Report
I knew I wanted my curve to end at Hero of Bladehold, since this was now a Hero of Bladehold deck, hence the Spellskites main deck they protect your Hero from Ring and Dismember and also being good against Splinter-Twin, carrying a Sword, etc. After putting my own ideas with the ones from Marcio, Tiago Fonseca and Goncalo Pinto, and talking to Mauro Peleira on site I settled on this list.
4 Plains
I asked the coverage team about why was this match featured, they told me they just wanted to get me on camera. In my mind, I finished their sentence with a "before I drop from the tournament", obv. I felt like Jakub Slemr getting a Round 2 Feature Match at a Grand Prix Prague, with all the respect to Jakub Slemr.
Game one I'm on the play and I have a pretty good draw, Spellskite, Blade Splicer, Hero of Bladehold, play and equip the miser's Sword of War and Peace. I won.
2 - 1
Game 3 I had another decent start, but his turn 4 Solemn Simulacrum threatened to be a 3 for 1, and turn 5 Siege Mastodon disencouraged me from attacking. Overall I felt I drew really poorly this round, a fact later confirmed by Daniel after watching my deck.
Game one I lost to Serra Angel enchanted with Trollhide, Divine Favour and Lifelink. How do I beat that, not even drawing my whole deck.
Stormfront Pegasus
- Always choose to draw.
That wasn't me whinning and going, of course they always have it. That was me, knowing for several turns he had it.
Game two I'm on the draw, played Smallpox getting his first guy, but it didn't slowed him down enough, actually I believed the land sacrifice from Smallpox hurted me more than him.
First, we went for Dinner, always a nice plan. Second, Luis Sousa had dropped from the event, so I had a 33% shot of having a Bye. Third, after the bye, I would play against someone, choose to draw first and mana screw him with Smallpox. Then I would needed to 3-0 with Caw Blade. And now, after playing with this draft, I felt Caw Blade was the best deck ever, and I couldn't wait to play with it again, so always optimistic! Even if I lost a round before 11am, I could still drop and play the PTQ.
Game 3, three turns before ending.
This opponent had been awarded the Bye last round and he watched my match against Pedro Cavaleiro. He knows exactly how unorthodox my draft his and what are my ways of gaining advantage and winning. I sided out one Plains and Day of Judgement, as I couldn't believe there was a situation where this card could be good given the circumstances. I added an extra Swamp for value on the triple Consume Spirit and some other filler.
Just like with Pedro Cavaleiro, all the games were so long, since my deck has very few winning conditions. I just remember the end of game three, I'm dead on his next attack, my turn I attack for two with Stormfront Pegasus, and then played Consume Spirit for exactly lethal maybe 7.
6 - 3
Round 10: Dinis Maia with GW Good Stuff
Dinis is also a former National Champion, him in 2001 me in 2003, but I know him from more than 10 years. When we were kids we played a Team Limited PTQ together, but then we started playing at different stores with different people and we gradually lost contact. We also grew up, got jobs and changed priorities, so we only see each other maybe once a year. But I think we have a mutual great deal of respect for each other not only as Magic players, but more importantly as two persons, and I enjoy his presence in Magic tournaments and playing with him.
Upon checking that the idiot was Frederico Costa we just sat down again embarassed everyone looking and started shuffling.
Round 11: Video Feature Match vs Marcio Carvalho with Mirror Blade
Another thing is, the five players who played our list, me, Marcio, Goncalo Pinto, Tiago Fonseca and Mauro Peleira did pretty well. 3 in the Top 8, one 9th on breakers, and me being the black sheep on 17th. However none of us was particularly happy with this version of Caw Blade with lots of guys, and now 3 weeks later the version with guys seems to have been dismissed. It was a valid choice at the time, I just don't like having so many creatures.
After Nats me and Helder wanted to team draft, we got ourselves a third and went looking for opponents, which is kind oif hard, since the average Portuguese player doesn't like to draft and even less to team draft. Mario Azevedo, the captain of the Magic in Braga accepted the challenge probably to kill some time as they were waiting for a guy playing in the PTQ to go back to Braga. They were 4, so it was me Helder Coelho, Narciso Ferreira and Pedro Reis.
I drafted an unspectacular R/G Bloodthirst deck, for some reason Green is always open. Got lucky and won against two much better decks, got unlucky and lost to their worst deck. Going into round 4, score is 8-6 for us with two matches left, mine being one of them. I'm against their avarege deck too, a UW deck. He has something like a Trained Warhorse who is shutting me down, so I have to overextend. He plays Wrath of God.
I didn't knew about it, shrugged, but randomly asked, did any of you 3 knew about Wog? They had all saw it, so yay, go team go. I peeled Jade Mage right after the Wrath which was my best draw, and eventually won. The lack of team spirit was compensanted with a complimentary high 5 after my win.
And that was the end of my competitive Magic for know. There were 8 amazing playtesting days, and 2 amazing competitive Magic days. I would like to thank everyone who surrounded me those days, everyone I played against or chatted with at Nats. I might be back in 6 months or a year again, and it's all because of you, the Portuguese Magic community.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
2011 Hall of Fame
First, my four easy votes.
Shuuhei Nakamura
Cut Shuuhei's accomplishments in half, and he would still be inducted. Because with Shuuhei almost everyone is voting for the man, and not the player.
Anton Jonsson
I voted for him last year, will do it again this year, and I believe he will make it this time. There are better persons out there to explain why voting for Anton should be a must. My personal experience with Anton is losing countless semifinals of the now extinct 9-5 queues.
Osyp Lebedowicz
I don't think I ever played or even talked to Osyp before, but he's my favourite writer, one of my favourite players to watch. As a fan at home, reading coverage, articles and watching videos I would like to have Osyp on the tour again. Isn't the HOF also about players who everyone wanted to watch for one reason or another (read Mark Rosewater on Mike Long).
However Osyp is not only a fan favourite, an entertainer. His stats are comparable to Mark Herberholz's. They're both PT Champions, have 3 and 4 PT Top 8 respectively, both have 4 GP Top 8, Osyp even won one with Affinity. But by reading other persons opinions some think Mark Herberholz is HOF eligible and very few mention Osyp which I think is kind of unfair.
I also never played Mark Herberholz before, so I can't really compare them with my former-Pro Player point of view, but as a fan, I vote Osyp over Heezy. (more on Heezy later).
Carlos Romao
Why I will always vote for Carlos Romão: If Tsuyoshi Fujita was an auto vote for most of us because of being the pioneer of Japanese Magic, Carlos Romão is the Latin American Tsuyoshi Fujita, a community lacking the resources of Japanese Magic which has and keeps producing some of the finest players around.
Tsuyoshi Fujita was inducted in this ballot. Rubin and Turian were left out, in 2007 Top 5 would make it.
1 Kai Budde 90.42%
2 Zvi Mowshowitz 62.28%
3 Tsuyoshi Fujita 49.74%
4 Nicolai Herzog 41.50%
5 Randy Buehler 35.58%
6 Ben Rubin 35.21%
7 Michael Turian 31.87%
If you voted Tsuyoshi Fujita over Rubin, Turian, or even Nico, then you should probably be voting Carlos Romao over someone else. I did voted Tsuyoshi Fujita by the way. If I remember correctly I think I voted Kai, Nico, Zvi, Fujita, Turian. After the results were announced, Jelger made me promisse to vote for Ben Rubin the following year.
Fifth Vote
I considered many names for my final vote, and eventually I decided I would vote for an American because most of the names on the list were American and more or less from the same timeline so it would be easier to compare them.
Patrick Chapin; Antonino de Rosa; Eugene Harvey; Mark Herberholz; William Jensen;
Even tough Antonino is the one I know best, he has 1 PT Top 8 while the others all have 4. I like to vote on the man over the stats, but here Antonino had to go. I was surprised, because some years ago I used to see Antonino's pictures holding a trophy week after week on the coverage.
About Heezy. I read all his recent articles, at least the non-premium ones. They were all highly entertaining. I liked the fact that not only he cared about the HOF, and he actually did something to put him back on everyone's radar. He has an impressive curriculum, seems like he's impersonating the modern days Pro Tout stereotype of a bad boy to make a point. Clearly what makes Heezy different from the other 4 on that small list his is attitude. But that's what I get from reading. I never played or talked with him before. So in my mind I kind of picked Osyp vs Heezy, but I will keep considering Heezy in future ballots.
I already talked a little about Chapin last year, so I'll focus on William Jensen and Eugene Harvey. By watching them play, I was most impressed with these two. And I did played against them and watch them play behind them. I'm sure this vote will be unfair to a dozen of other players on the ballot, but I had to choose and in the end I voted William Jensen. Let's imagine I had forgotten who I voted for, and I had to through the process again, the fifth name would probably be different.
So My 2011 Ballot
Shuuhei Nakamura
Anton Jonsson
Osyp Lebedowicz
Carlos Romao
William Jensen
Bonus section: About Steve OMS
Steve OMS is only a name for me, altough a name with a high place in Magic history. I never played him, talked to him or even saw him. I didn't read about him in the coverage and I never read anything written by him. He's just too old school for me. You have to understand that with so many players on the list that I played against, watched them play live, read their stuff, and got to know the person behind them, it's very dificult for me to vote for just a name and stats.
However, most of the community seems to be supporting Steve OMS as a deserving Hall of Famer. So many of us can't be wrong. That's why I promisse, if Steve OMS doesn't make it into the HOF this year, he will be the first name on my 2012 ballot, regardless of whoever else is in there.
Next on my Blog:
- The second part of my PT Nats report I'm almost finishing writting it
- My list of the Top 10 greatest Portuguese players of all time
- My Magic Invitational created card, the biggest Magic leak since... uh well New Phyrexia I guess!
So you have plenty of reasons to keep checking it.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
PT Nats 2011 - Tournament Preparation
My Nats 2011 tournament report starts in September 2010. After Pro Tour Amsterdam I returned to China for a new job which killed any chances to play Magic. I skipped the whole Block of Mirrodin 2, Scars of Mirrodin, Mirrodin Besieged and New Phyrexia. I did however planned to play M12 Core Set for Limited for about a Month since there was a GP in August in my "hometown" of Shanghai, a Limited GP. I had already made plans with Magic and non-Magic friends to take a week off work and be in Shanghai with them the week before or after the Grand Prix.
To my disappointment, things changed, due to some circumstances in China and in Portugal I was requested to leave China as soon as possible and stay the whole summer in Portugal. When I say as soon as possible, it means I was on the waiting list for the next available flights during the summer season. There went the GP and all the plans I had.
That however opened another window, I would most likely arrive just in time to compete at PT Nats, the question was, Do I want to play PT Nats? I had never done a draft of the current block, and the last time I played t2 I was Bloodbraiding into Blightning and redirecting the damage to Elspeth, Knight Errant. Luckily for me, two things happened. Our Nats was scheduled for after the M12 release, which meant everyone had 2 weeks to prepare for a new draft format, and Jace the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic were banned, it didn't meant a new constructed format, but at least it reduced my disadvantage of catching up.
My playtesting started still in China. I work from 7.30AM till 16:30. In Portuguese time that means 00:30 AM till 9:30AM. The only person from my contact list who was online during the whole night was Goncalo Pinto Madcat. We talked about the format and played some MWS games. Madcat was convinced that Garruk 2.0 was going to be the nuts, the new keycard of the format, everyone would be playing 4 of, or at least he would. At the time I knew nothing about Standard, so I believed him and with that information and after reading all the Red cards of the format I made a Land Destruction deck. I tought that if the key card of the format costs 5 mana, attacking the lands was a good idea. Plus the deck played like a Mono Red aggro, and it had a oops I win card, Tectonic Rift.
God draw would be. Turn 1 Goblin Guide (18), turn 2 Kiln Fiend (16), turn 3 Staggershock your guy (10), turn 4 rebound target you (8) Tectonic Rift attack for lethal.
However the Red creatures didn't hit hard enough except for Kiln Fiend, so eventually I shifted into this list.
4 Goblin Guide
4 Steppe Lynx
3 Grim Lavamancer
4 Plated Geopede
4 Kiln Fiend
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Incinerate
4 Staggershock
4 Tectonic Rift
4 Arid Mesa
4 Marsh Flats
4 Scalding Tarn
1 Terramorphic Expanse
Mountains and Plains
I was very happy with this deck. I think it's the perfect deck for Tectonic Rift since the creatures hit very hard, and everyone is tapping out in this format. Then something happened. Someone played Timely Reinforcements against me, which made me have the "Is that for real" look.
Arriving in Portugal
I landed in Portugal on July 15th at 3:00AM with 8 days to go before Nationals. Less than 12 hours later I was already cracking my first M12 pack. But let me first talk about the scenario I found in Portugal.
I started my preparation on MSN with Madcat. He is a good friend who happened to be Online at the same hours I was. He is a very capable Magic player, one of the best of our country, and I like to listen what he has to say and playtest with him. He gets mocked all the time, because he has been Marcio Carvalho #1 apprentice for like 7 years. His game did get better by getting close to him, but still far from the Master. I will talk about Madcat later in some other post, for now the relevant thing is because of his Master/Apprentice relation with Marcio, playtesting with Madcat in Portugal means the following main core.
Marcio Carvalho
Goncalo Pinto "Madcat"
Tiago Fonseca
Pedro Pereira "Rossa"
Some of my best friends are in this group.
There is another playtesting group which also has some of my best friends, it's sort of the remaining Team Next Level members plus some old school guys, so Let's call them New Team Next Level until they come up with a name by themselves.
Narciso Ferreira "Goon"
Vasco Bonifacio
Manuel Luis
Frederico Bastos
Helder Coelho
Pedro Reis
Problem is, there are persons from Marcios group who don't speak with persons from Next Level, the situation even got a bit physical last year. Plus, Marcio and Fred Bastos they like to be annoying to each other just for the fun of it, and their new funny thing was keeping information secret from each other for Nats. Now if there are two persons to which I talk openly about Magic are Marcio and Fred Bastos, so the situation became a little awkward.
There was also Mauro Peleira. Mauro is also a good friend and very strong Magic strategist. We often talk about Magic related stuff, and he helped me prepare for many tournaments which he wasn't even attending or profiting from it. He wrote some articles for international websites, including Starcity and I believe he mentioned me in most of them either as an example of a situation or story or whatever. Some readers might think that he wanted to captivate audience or make a point by name dropping me. which is false. I owe him lots of things in Magic, if there was ever a book like 100 most influential Magic players in your carreer, Mauro Peleira would be on mine. What happened was, while I was on China still unsure of attending Nats I messaged Mauro and said, "I might need a decklist and the cards for it to play Nats". Mauro answered: "Ok".
His playtest group has the following core:
Mauro Peleira
Joao Andre
Igor Barreiras
Andre Mendes
They are 4 friends from the Mem Martins suburban area of Lisbon who play together. I playtested with them for Nats 2010 and I felt very well prepared. These guys always have an edge in Portuguese constructed tournaments, even when they play stocklists. They often show up with different decks matching personal playing styles and they will have good performances. I compare their presence in Portuguese constructed Magic, to Your Move Games in the USA back in the old days.
But now I didn't wanted to be shipped a decklist anymore, I had one week and I wanted to be active in playtesting, to contribute and to help. Problem was, subway to the train station, plus train to Mem Martins plus from the station to their places took too much time to be done everyday twice a day, and it put time constrains on my returning hours back home.
For Portuguese Magic I usually don't use the concept of a playtesting team. I have my friends, with who I like to play, chat and hang out and I prepare with them and whoever else shows up at where we're playing. Only this year, the plan of Magic friends from the Lisbon area wasn't going to work due to some rifts caused by misunderstandings, silly attitudes or overreactions.
Friday, July 15th
At 4:00 AM before going to sleep I talked to Madcat on MSN and we left open the possibility for me to go to his place for the weekend, then to his area local store play some Constructed games, crash at Madcat's for the night then play the M12 Release on Saturday, and play some more Constructed afterwards. However due to my long travel, and to Madcat weird sleeping hours we were both unsure at what time we would wake up, so we decided to talk it over after we wake up.
I woke up a couple of hours later, waited until after lunch for Madcat, but he never log in online. I also didn't felt so much to go far away, his place is outside Lisbon and you need to cross the river by boat. Meanwhile I heard of a draft starting in Lisbon that afternoon, with Frederico Bastos, Narciso Ferreira, Tiago Fonseca, Marcio Carvalho, among others, but more important with my friends from both opposite groups. I talked my way to be invited for it, and Marcio Carvalho offered himself to bird the draft and let me be the 8th.
What do I mean for "being invited". A Portuguese singles dealer bought 6 Boxes of M12 and offered to let us draft during this period to prepare for Nats. It's not like you show up and pay the draft fee. You draft for free, and afterwards you separate all your cards by rarity and return them. Sleeves are a must, and I personally consider to be rude if you are invited for these drafts and don't sleeve.
Invited also meant the drafts were played at non-Magic place, but perhaps the best place I ever played Magic in Portugal. It's a members only association, a small cozy place with some tables to play Role Play and Board games mostly. It has a bar, a small catering service and sometimes they run events like Quizz nights. However the owner is good friends with some old school Magic players who were into Role Play, so he let us playtest for Nats there. I would like to thank everyone for being invited for the drafts and invited to the association.
First draft I opened Aegis Angel. Ended up with a decent WB aggro deck topped by the Angel and two Serra Angels, with some Black removal. The mana wasn't so good as usually happens with WB, so many double WW and BB. I won rounds 1 and 2 by close 2-1 that could go either way, and 2-0 the finals against a better deck by nut drawing him twice.
After dinner, we ran a second draft, I first picked Garruk 2.0 which is ridiculous enough for me to force Green, which isn't that hard actually since everyone avoids it unless they open a bomb.I ended with a GR deck with a Fireball as well. I won the first two rounds, but Garruk only showed in the finals. Game one I played Garruk on turn 4, could have been turn three but he killed my elf. I made a token, next turn played a 5/6 and drew 5 cards, eventually won. Game two he kind of has me locked with a Call to Grave, but mid game I draw Garruk, and start making tokens every turn, until I made ten 6/6 tokens.
The night ended with everyone saying "Same time tomorrow? Don't be late". Since I've been invited to draft here, invited to show up at the association and between drafts I was playing games with their Constructed decks and typing the results on their database, I felt I that I was accepted and would be playtesting here for Nats. Great place, great friends, free drafts, gamer's paradise?
Saturday, July 16th
someone: "Who won the drafts yesterday?"
Me: "I did"
someone: "Which one?"
Me: "Both of them" (smirk)
Yup, it's these little things I miss the most when I'm not active.
For the third draft I opened Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. So many bombs in M12. Second pick I took Cemetery Reaper. Ok, so with two picks only I have a Vampire Lord and a Zombie lord, but both cards are good by their own. Third pick I took Adaptive Automaton, and I got a good feeling about this draft. With 3 picks, I already had, 2 Vampire Lords, 2 Zombie Lords, and a Zombie or a Vampire to go with them. Later in the draft I got a Call to Grave, and for the first time I played with Zombie Infestation. The deck was nearly Black splashing White for Pacifism and 2 Assault Pegasus (added value for Adaptive Automaton).
I easily won Round 1, and could I be keeping this winning streak for long. It did seemed so, looking at this deck.
Round 2 was the most interesting. Game 1 I'm heavily mana screw, but played Zombie Infestation with my 2 lands, so instead of discarding on my end step back to 7, I can discard to make a Zombie. This is also gaining me time, since opponent is not attacking, as I can make 3 Zombies from Infestation to block. When I drew my third land, I'm very very behind on tempo, so I feel I can't cast my cards one by one. I played land and Cemetery Reaper and discarded my hand for Zombies. I can now make one 3/3 Zombie from Reaper every turn, and one from Infestation every two turns. It wasn't enough, but it was close and interesting. Game two I won with Call to Grave, Game three I have once again Call to Grave but he has one last remaining creature, a big flyer I can't block. Last turn he needs to draw a creature to sac to keep his flyer alive and he does. I did won the final round to end 2-1 with this draft.
Fourth draft I finally went into Blue for the first time with a first pick Mind Control over Angelic Destiny. I ended with an agressive Blue/Red deck, with 3 Phantasmal Bear, Phantasmal Illusion and Phantasmal Dragon. There was a Lord of Illusions in the draft but I didn't get it. I split the first two rounds, and play Frederico on round 3 to see who goes 2-1. His deck had Alabaster Mage, Crimson Mage, 2 Gideon Lawkeeper, 2 Goblin Bangchucker, so I lose the first game and have to side out all the Phantasmal creatures, leaving me with a very sub optimal deck. I won the second but lost the third, being grinded out by his Druidic Satchel.
Draft 5, was depressing even tough it looks very good on paper. It's a white weenie, with 2 Gideon Lawkeeper, Vanguard Elite, 3 Stormfront Pegasus, 2 Armored Warhorse, 2 Griffin Rider, multiples of Sentinel and Assault Griffins and most important 3 Guardian's Pledge, splash of Fireball. Playing with it, you just feel underpowered when facing better guys, and you run out of gas much quicker than everyone else. One game I just scooped on turn 4, I had two or three creatures on the table, one more in hand, and I knew I didn't have enough gas to battle against his 6 cards hand. I ended 1-1 with this draft and didn't play the last round to play Constructed.
So from 6-0 on Day 1 of testing, to 4-4 on Day two.
Sunday July 17th, Monday July 18th
The place was closed these two days as well as the local store, so I just stayed home looking at the results of SCG and Japan Nats. Based on them, I predicted the metagame for Nats the following week to be 15% Caw Blade, 15% Valakut and 12% Tempered Steel. Since I only had a week to catchup one year of Constructed Magic and we were drafting twice a day, I decided I couldn't afford much time to get a big picture, and just stick myself to playing one of these 3 or my Boros.
I liked our Valakut decklist, it's really straightforward, no removal, no cute things, it's all ramp or monsters. List was something like:
4 Explore
4 Rampant Growth
4 Overgrown Battlement
4 Solemn Simulacrum
4 Primeval Titan
3 Inferno Titan
1 Avenger of Zendikar
3 Green Sun Zenith
3 Summoning Trap
2 Harrow
What I like about this deck is, what are you gonna do on your turn three? Because I will most likely have 6 mana on turn four, and from there you're close to dead.
What I don't like is, because I never played with the card Valakut Molten Pinnacle before, I missed lots of interactions, and I would often fetch the wrong land or pair of lands, and do small subtle mistakes. It took me while than I would like to make really small decisions in Valakut, something which I wasn't happy with, so I put this deck as my Option 4, behind all others.
Meanwhile I burgled Marcio Carvalho's 75 card decklist for Nats. Caw-Blade with Emeria Angel and Consecrated Sphinx. I opened two MWS applications and run some games vs myself. 14-6 for Boros pre sb, 18-2 for Caw Blade after. Yes, Timely Reinforcements keeps red decks in check no matter all the quality burn spells available for now. Played some more games with Marcio's Caw Blade, and it was losing to Valakut and Steel.
In my view, the metagame had 3 tier 1 decks, the three I mentioned before, and something like 8 tier 1.5 decks. When your deck loses against 2/3 of the tier 1 and it's 50% against the other, it can't be a good choice. I addressed this concern to Marcio on MSN, here's the conversation we had 5 days before Nats.
Me: Bla Bla Bla, decklist not so good, loses in important matchups Bla Bla Bla.
Marcio: it's my decklist, and I'm not gonna change a single card out of the 75. You want to play it, play it, don't want to play it, don't play it, just don't bother me cause I'm busy playing Cube drafts 1 on 1.
Me: Have you played against Valakut and Steel at least?
Marcio: Uh... I think I have the other day. I won. Easily.
Me: I think it's not as simple.
Marcio: If you're afraid of losing, then don't play Magic. Bye, and don't bother me, cause I'm busy doing things way too cool and totally not related to Magic, which by the way I don't care a single bit.
Tuesday, July 19th
Limited: tried a bunch of wacky decks, including a UB Mill which killed more opponents by attacking 4 times with Harbor Serpent than milling. Another one where I first picked Call to Grave to try and see how broken it could be, and another draft where I went 4 color Green. I 2-1 with all of them, never starting 2-0.
Standard: Most of the guys were leaning towards Tempered Steel, because it had good game pre board vs the other decks. I liked a mono white version with no Glint Hawk and no Ornitopthers. Everytime I landed a Tempered Steel on turn 3 I won, 100% of the times. Everytime I didn't the deck was underperforming. That and the fact that I would probably not get the cards made me abandon the deck.
Wednesday, July 20th
I warned the guys the day before that I would be arriving late, maybe at dinner time. I had somewhere to go. I went to Marcio's place, where some guys were staying for the week to test. My conversations with them on MSN weren't very productive, as usually happens when 3 or 4 guys were there playing. Marcio's sister opened the door and invited me in. I head across the hall to Marcio's room and I'm warmly welcomed with a: "Why didn't my sister told you we already left?"
After some talking and exchanging impressions based on what we played, it seemed that Marcio and Pedro Pereira disagreed with some of my opinions. I did however raised questions on Madcat who had found the same problems I had, and later with Tiago Fonseca.
We went to the local store where Marcio played cube 1 on 1 all the time while saying you guys are non sense I'm not changing the list. After some games and brainstorming, me and Madcat changed the decklist to something very similar to what we would end up playing. We cut all the expensive stuff, the biggest casting cost was now Hero of the Bladehold. I also added a couple of Deprives now that we got rid of the big casting costs.
The list I had when I left Madcat.
4 preordain
3 spellskite
4 squadrow hawk
4 mana leak
2 Deprive
4 Blade splicer
3 Oblivion ring
2 dismember
3 mix and match of Sword of Feast and Famine or War and Peace
4 Hero of the Bladehold
1 open slot (Spell Pierce, Into the Roil, 4th Sword)
First thing Marcio said after I left: "So what changes did you guys made?"
Thursday July 21st
I guess I'm kind of set on playing Caw-Blade after eliminating the other possibilities, either because of the existance of Timely Reinforcements, the need to have a Tempered Steel on the table on turn 3, or the many subtle things with fetching lands with Valakut.
That meant I had to start scrambling for the cards, a big thanks to Vasco Bonifacio for half of the deck, and to Nuno Amorim and Jordao Pereira for the other half. Narciso Ferreira, Mauro Peleira, Madcat and Sergio Ventura also contributed with one or two cards each, so I had a deck ready, altough a deck in which I had no faith as I was losing so much in so many matchups.
I warned Frederico Bastos, with only packs for two more drafts before Nats, it was time for me to start drafting seriously. No more White weenies, Phantasmal decks, Mill decks, theme decks or wacky decks.
I started with a huge dillema, Sorin Markov or Flameblast Dragon. I agonized on this pick for ages. They both have the same casting cost and require a color commitment.
I think creatures are the worst card type in Magic. I also think Planeswalkers, despite being good for marketing, were bad for game play because the card type is way too powerful. Despite being easier to deal with Flameblast Dragon (also not that many cards who will deal with him), and Sorin Markov not having summoning sickness, so he will do something even if he dies, I went with Flameblast Dragon. I think Flameblast will end the game if you untap, while Sorin Markov might not. I'm probably wrong because everyone I asked the pick said Sorin Markov, except for Marcio.
Second pick I got passed a Sengir Vampire, oh well, you had to choose between 50-50, Red or Black, I choose Red, and it landed on Black. Final pack I opened Rune-Scarred Demon and I passed to the same player I passed Sorin Markov, so yeah definitely bet on black.
I did end up with a very solid RW agressive deck, and I won the draft without swinging a single time with Flameblast. Only time I played it, it was Mind Controled.
Friday July 22nd
The least action packed day. Did one draft, a non spectacular Green/Black deck, with a Druidic Satchet, went 3-0 with it, which at least allowed me to end the draft sessions with a "I told you I was going to start drafting seriously again" to Frederico Bastos.
Drafts recap:
3-0 (BW aggro)
3-0 (GR Garruk)
2-1 (Zombie / Vampires Bw deck)
1-2 (Phantasmal creatures UR aggro deck)
1-1 (white weenie)
2-1 (UB Mill)
2-1 (First pick Call to Grave deck)
2-1 (4 color Green, 2 Rampant Growth, 2 Manalith deck)
3-0 (RW aggro Flameblast Dragon)
3-0 (GB average deck)
Nats is split like 4 small 3 rounds tournaments, Standard, Draft, Draft and Standard. You need 9-3 for Top 8 which means you have to win a mini tournament. Given that I wasn't satisfied with my deckchoice, and given the results from the 10 live drafts, I figured I could maybe with some luck 3-0 one of the pods. After all 40% chances of 3-0, 40% chances of 2-1 and 20% chances of something going very wrong. Of course these numbers are very unreal, but at the time I did believe that at any random pod of PT Nats my chances of 3-0 were better than the mathematical 12,5%.
The rest of the day I spent mostly silent thinking to myself about the numbers of the cards in my decklist and sideboard numbers and plans. I'll give you my decklist and sideboard on my next post where I'll write about the tournament itself.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Tiago's advices #1
One of these afternoons at work, or in Madcat's timezone one of these dawns where he wasn't sleeping, we were talking about... uhm... many things. Eventually when the conversation turn to Asian girls, Madcat only had as a reference Japanese girls, he went to Pro Tour Yokohama with me.
Madcat: I'm not so impressed with Asian girls, but then again I only saw Japanese ones.
Me: Japanese girls are quite ok actually. You weren't so impressed because in Japan most of the girls we saw had their knees bend to the inside while walking making it look like their legs have a problem, plus their teeth aren't arranged. Here's my advice to you: Never go to the dentist in Japan or buy a Japanese toothpaste. The tooth paste I'm actually using was bought in Japan (true story), and everytime I finish brushing my teeth they don't feel like they're clean, so I have to brush them again. And this, is the advice that I leave you.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Awkward Situations #2: Being Terry Soh

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Awkward Situations #1: Miss Teacher
Shifu: Let us begin.
Po: What? Uh... I don't think I can do all those moves right away.
Shifu: [chuckles] Well, we'll never know unless we try, will we?
Po: Well, maybe we could start out with something more at, you know, my level.
Shifu: And what level is that? ~
Po: Uh... level zero? How about that, level zero?Shifu: [chuckles] There is no such thing as level zero
Not only I was seen as a big idiot who couldn't talk to no one, but I was still in shock. You see, seven hours before I arrived to the school, I was at Pro Tour Kuala Lumpur watching Marcio Top 4, and receiving my Invitational Trophy. I didn't get a transition period from Pro Magic player to being abandoned in China with people speaking weird languages. Anyway, this is not the awkward situation, this is only the introduction.
After some very painful times of hard work and overcoming many depressions, I learned a little bit of Chinese, which gave me courage enough to try the Chinese proficiency test for Foreigners. It's a test run by the government 3 or 4 times a year, at the same time in several places. They all have the same test, which is treated like a National Security document until 5 seconds of starting time. Grades go from Level 4 to Level 8. If you suck (Level 1, 2 or 3), they don't give you a score in order to don't humiliate you. My goal was of course not to suck, but my roommate had previously taken the test and scoring Level 5 despite being a slacker, altough a chinese speaking slacker.
Given this, I was obviously very happy when the scores came in and I got Level 6. For you Magic players to have a picture, compare the Player's Club levels with the Chinese test levels. Levels 1, 2 and 3 suck, and if when you finally made it you made it as Level 6, that should be able to describe the feeling.
Side Note: At the school there was a young teacher about my age, most of the guys had her in a pedestal as the hottest teacher on the school. She wasn't particularly pretty, altough definitely ok but compared to the rest of the older teachers she clearly shined, in my opinion probably Top 3, because of her younger age. Anyway, after National exams scores went public Miss Teacher, who was never my teacher during my whole stay there, came to congratulate me.
Miss Teacher: Wow Congratulations!
Tiago: Thanks Miss Teacher.
Miss Teacher: I always knew you had it in you.
Tiago: Not really, I kind of got lucky.
Miss Teacher: No, I always admired how you worked so hard and struggled so much.
Tiago: Not that I really had a choice there, you know...
Miss Teacher: But finally it all paid off in the end. I'm so proud of you, I knew you could do it.
Tiago: I'm very flattered, it's a pity Miss Teacher was never assigned to teach at my classes.
Miss Teacher: You must be feeling very happy.
Tiago: I'm feeling Ok yeah.
Miss Teacher: It's not everyday someone gets a Level 8.
Tiago: Uh? I was only Level 6.
(10 seconds of silence)
Miss Teacher: Well... 6 ain't bad either... Oh my, look at the time, I didn't realize it was this late, I should definetely get going, catch up with you later, uhm, Bye!
And that was the last time I saw Miss Teacher.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Kiss Kiss with Miss X
"Why do you have to mention me in all your blog's posts? It seems you randomly pick a paper from inside a fishbowl and everytime my name is written on it"
- Mr. X on Jan 9th 2011
For my next couple of posts I'll avoid talking about Magic, since that will most of the times indirectly lead to Mr. X.
During my times in Beijing I came across many interesting individuals, one of the most peculiar ones being my good friend, let's call her "Miss X" to preserve her identity. Bonus points if you can write down her real name, first and last.
Sometimes me and Miss X would have communication problems so to say, since my native language is Portuguese and hers is a South East Asia language (it's not that I don't know which one, I just rather not reveal her identity). Luckily, we shared not one, but two other languages, English and Chinese, problem is our levels of these languages aren't quite the same which leads to some awkward situations.
For ex, a conversation in Chinese between us.
(Note for those who don't understand Chinese)
问 - wen
to ask
to inquire after
吻 - wen
a kiss
to kiss
Hey Miss X, wo yao wen ni!
Hey Miss X, I want to ask you
Miss X:
Ni yao wen wo ma?
You want to kiss me?
Dui, wo yao wen ni.
Yes, I want to ask you.
Miss X:
Hao de! (giggles) Ni wen wo ba (giggles)
Ok! (giggles) Go ahead and kiss me (giggles)
Ni zhidao, wo men shang ge xingqi qu guo de difang zai nar?
You know, that place we went last week, where is it?
Miss X:
O, yuanlai ni yao wen wo, bu shi wen wo.
Oh, you wanted to ask me, not kiss me after all
Dui, shi wo gang gang shuo de!
Yes, that's what I just said!
As you can imagine Me and Miss X we often talk but our conversations aren't quite productive. However this is quite understandable, at the time we were just starting to learn the awful language that is Chinese. Our conversations in English are also far from being perfect. There was one time where I go meet Miss X, and when I was about to go back the following conversation happened.
Me: That was fun, it was nice meeting you.
Miss X: Uhm, I'll have to work now, but come meet me afterwards.
Me: Right, I will. So I guess I'll see you later, bye!
Miss X: Wait! Before you go, you have to give me kiss!
Me: What?
Miss X: Kiss, Kiss!
Me: I'm sorry I didn't quite get what you said...
Miss X: Give me kiss!
Me: You know, we've been friends for some time....
Miss X: Kiiiissssssssss
Me: ... so this is kind of awkward...
Miss X: Kiiiiiiiiiis Kiiiiiiiiiiiis
Me: ... and uhm,
Miss X: Hurry up! Kiss!
Me: totally unexpected...
Miss X: I need Kiiiiiiiiiiiis.
Me: ...besides...
Miss X: I don't have kiiiiiiiss to go home.
Me: Oh, you don't have your keys with you?
Miss X: Yes, the kiiis, what were you thinking?
Me: Right, the keys, obvz, what was I thinking?
Miss X: Then give me kiiis!
Me: What? Are you out of your mind, I don't have your keys!
Friday, January 7, 2011
An exclusive interview with the mysterious Portuguese player mentioned by Guillaume Matignon and Antoine Ruel in their Worlds Reports
Before I start the interview, I would like to present a brief introduction about Narciso "Goon" Ferreira. The following words were written by Gonçalo Pinto "Madcat" and originally posted on his blog on August 13th 2007. (Link to his Blog on my Friends blog linklist)
Rumor has it that Goon...
...lost his virginity before his own dad.
...sleeps with a pillow below his gun.
...one time shot down a plane just by pointing his finger and yelling Bang!
...can cure cancer with his tears, but unfortunately he doesn't cry
...doesn't read books, he stares at them and they confess whatever he wants to know
...plays poker so well that one time he bluffed a guy while holding a Forest, a UNO card, a Monopoly Get out of Jail card and his driving license.
...is the reason why Wally hides.
...can win a 4 in line game with only 3 chips.
...has been on Mars, and that's why there's no life over there.
...doesn't wear a condom, he doesn't need to be protected.
PS: For those who don't know Goon, he's called Narciso Ferreira and he's a National Guard cop.
Enjoy the Interview!
Tiago: Matignon mentions you as a mysterious smiling Portuguese man, for those who still don't know you, introduce yourself.
Goon: My name is Narciso Ferreira "Goon", I live in Lisbon, Portugal, and I use to hang out with guys who know how to play Magic. My goal is, that one day I'll know how to play too.
Tiago: Where did that nickname -Goon- came from?
Goon: From the card Goblin Goon. For reasons I never understood people say I look like him but, slightlier stupid and a lot uglier. And I used to run 4 of them in my Goblins deck, so this is my punishment.
Tiago: What everyone wants to know is, why do the French credit you as being so important for Matignon's victory. So tell us Goon, what happened at Worlds?
Goon: Due to the fact of being a bad player and on top of that being very unlucky, in the past I was getting upset with Magic all the time, so I decide to change my attitude (also because of some situations of my private life). Now I always have a positive attitude not only for Magic but for everything in life as well.
When playing against Team France, I sat down and I immediatly start chatting and joking in a good way with Antoine even tough he didn't knew who I am lol. And I start with a Game Loss, that's ok, my good spirit didn't changed, after that I still mulliganed to 4, and always taking it easy and I still won game 2 on a mull to 4. Even after losing game 3 and the match, my good humor and good attitude remained the same, and I think that attitude towards Magic inspired Guillaume Matignon.
However I did nothing to deserve having him thanking me, if there's one thing I learnt in Magic is, you only achive results if you work hard and deserve them.
Tiago: You talk about yourself as being an unlucky bad player, but over the years you have built a very respectable curriculum in the Portuguese Magic scene, would you like to share some of your Magic achievments?
Goon: I'm the current National Vice-Champion, I won a PTQ for Kuala Lumpur and I have lost in countless PTQ Top 8's including 3 finals in a row. I have made Day 2 at some Grand Prixs, including GP Lisbon where I went undefeated Day 1 with 5 wins 3 draws LOLOL. Online I have two PTQ Top8's and one MOCS Top 8.
Tiago: So this Worlds has not your first taste of the Pro Tour, how did you do in Kuala Lumpur?
Goon: It was a lesson of humility that I will never forget! I arrived there thinking of myself as the best in the world and then I lost all rounds and suddenly I felt like one of the worst players on the PT. I also decided I would try all kinds of local food, and I think I got a food poison, as for 48 hours I sat countless times on the toillet holding a bucket.
Tiago: I've heard you made a bet with Nuno Costa (Frederico Costa twin brother) for Kuala Lumpur...
Goon: It was my first Pro Tour, I tought I was the best in the world, so I bet I would finish higher than him.
Tiago: Nuno Costa finished 3-3... and you had two byes...
Goon: But I only won against the Byes. That's the perennial problem of the Portuguese Magic player. With the exception of our "the Big 4", no one else is able to make results outside, or Big 5, if you want to consider Paulo Carvalho too.
Tiago: But at Worlds you had a chance to redeem yourself. With two more drafts at the Pro Level, you had a chance to show KL was nothing but an accident. How did it go the Draft day at Worlds?
Goon: 0-6
Tiago: I see...
Goon: I started with 4-2 in Standard, which was the only format I felt prepared. After Nats I had health problems so I stopped playing, I only did a couple of drafts before Worlds. Actually I think the drafts went well, I had bombs, good cards, removal but the games went all the other way around it was surreal, but I took it easily always with a smile on my face, even tough in Portugal many persons think I'm not a good player and I just went to Japan to be a running joke inside the Portuguese Magic community. So these persons were happy when Day 2 didn't went well.
Tiago: I'm sorry may I ask where did you learn how to draft? Was it by watching the "Drafting with Madcat" videos?
Goon: Drafting with Tiago on starcity!
Tiago: Right, I guess I deserved that answer...
Goon: Seriously, I learnt most of the draft fundamentals with you, Marcio Carvalho and Kuni (Kuniyoshi Ishii, Portuguese National Champion 2002 and 2005).
Tiago: And who do you playtest with for tournaments, are you part of any team, I know that before you were a member of Team Nhekes and after splitting up, there was a new team called Next Level coming up.
Goon: Next Level. The problem is, some boys discovered the pleasures of the vagina, and Magic was put aside.
Tiago: What's the current setup of Team Next Level?
Goon: Me, Vasco Cruz, Vasco Bonifacio, Filipe Constancio and Daniel Moura.
Tiago: Still one of the most powerful teams in Portugal...
Goon: But only me and Vasco Bonifacio remain active in a serious way, the others lost or are about to lose their virginity, so they aren't active in Magic.
Tiago: I've read on your MSN status you're looking to recruit some new team members. What are the requirements to be on Team Next Level?
Goon: Having spoken with a woman before and knowing how to play.
Tiago: Fair enough! Let's put Magic aside for a while, and talk about things that really matter. What are your toughts on the movie Prince of Persia?
Goon: Looooool. I agree with everything Fred Bastos said, the movie is very weak, Marcio doesn't know a shit about movies.
Tiago: Do you agree with many people who say, Marcio Carvalho's advices, thanks but only for Magic...
Goon: Yeah, he only knows about Magic. And girls. Because of girls he hasn't been playing lately.
Tiago: Now that you mention Marcio and girls, tell us the story that happened on a plane which only you have witnessed...
Goon: Hey, Marcio is gonna kill me if I tell it
Tiago: No, it's fine, don't worry, I'll change his name to Mr. X so no one will know it's him.
Goon: Ok, so me and Mr. X are already inside the plane, me sitting on the aisle and him on the window playing on his Iphone. I noticed a really hot chick boarding in and I told Mr. X:
Goon: Look at that chick she's really hot!
Mr. X: Man, she sure is. Obviously she's not Portuguese.
Goon: No, No, she is Portuguese.
Mr. X: She's too cute to be Portuguese.
Goon: Bet on it?
Mr. X: How much?
Goon: (since I'm a big idiot I only said) 10 Euros.
Mr. X: Deal!
So the girl get off her seat to go to the restrooms and when she's passing by us I tell her: "I'm sorry but my friend here says you're way too cute to be Portuguese". She starts blushing but answers, No, No I'm Portuguese!. And she stays right there standing looking at Mr. X waiting for him to say something, but Mr. X immediatly starts playing his Slam Dunk Iphone application leaving the girl standing in the middle of the row. Lol.
After she left, I kept telling Mr. X he was an idiot, the girl was kind of into him and waiting for Marcio to make a move. But the story doesn't end here. Half hour later, the girl feels like she needs to go to the toillet once again and she conveniently stands up when there's a queue for the toillet. Only that queue finished 4 seat rows behind us, but she stopped and waited right next to our seat rows, leaning on the seats and looking at Mr. X. And I was telling him, Mr. X come on say something. But he just ignored her, he didn't even turned his face away from the iphone.
Tiago: Perhaps the girl was into you, how do you know she was into Mr. X?
Goon: It's obvious. I'm old fat and ugly, and looking at my clothes you can see I have no money.
Tiago: But there was one time you were on a public urinal, and a guy starts hitting on you, saying you were big, huge. It's better we hear it from you, rather than from a third party.
Goon: That is false, it never happened to me, it might have happened to my friend.
Tiago: Allright, how about plans for 2011, are you inspired by Wafo Tapa who started last season PTQing and then reached Level 8.
Goon: Hey that's not for me, maybe Marcio could do it. As for me I expect to reach Level 4 and I'll try to go as many Grand Prixs I can.
Tiago: So are you gonna come and visit me for GP Shanghai?
Goon: Yup! I want to go to all European GPs plus some outside. This is gonna be my year, or at least I'll give it a try. I still haven't found someone willing to come tough.
Tiago: You know in Shanghai you won't need, I'm here, I can hang out with you.
Goon: Yup! It's gonna be awesome.
Tiago: You would be kind enough to pay me a dinner, right?
Goon: Everyday if I had to. Who treats me well deserves everything. Besides, the little i am in Magic you're one of the persons I should thank to.
Tiago: I make the words you adressed to Matignon my own, no need to thank. Whoever works hard and deserves it, will accomplish.
However, since you're in a good mood, let me tell you, I will be in Portugal this month or the next, so I'm gonna go ahead and reserve a table on your name.
Goon: Are we eating at the Chinese buffet?
Tiago: No not anymore since that time you, shovit and madcat joined a draft queue at the Chinese restaurant and lost even before I finished my starter.
We should go to the grill place next to Devir Arena, so I can teach you how to draft in the afternoon, and later I can turn to the waiter and say: "As a starter, bring my big huge friend a big huge Portuguese sausage".
Goon: And isn't it good? Tastes really well.
Tiago: I'm glad you like it, cause you're paying!
Thanks for dinner, and big thanks for the interview, Ladies and Gentlemens, that was one of the new icons of Portuguese Magic, Narciso Goon Ferreira! If you guys think this is funny or have interest, I might be doing some more in the future.