Monday, May 31, 2010

Technical problems so to say

So here's what happened a couple days ago.

I'm staying at my parents place these days as I'm helping them with business. I didn't bother bringing my laptop since it's not so new, and I don't have wireless. Besides, their home computer, from where I'm typing now has a pretty good internet connection. Earlier this week, I switched it on, but Windows didn't load. Neither starting windows in security mode, or last mode that was working well, nothing, nada, niente, rien, meiyou! Ups!

I don't have any computers know-how, other than using them, I also don't have much interest in computer related stuff. Unlike most of my friends, I actually never played any online video game (online card games don't count OBV), probably the only computer game I've ever played was Football Manager. I'm not a computer master, but usually I can solve whatever problems I encounter as most of the stuff are intuitive to find a solution, and formatting is a highly-eficcient last resource tool.

Since I couldn't turn it on, that eliminated asking for support through the internet to my friends. Luckily Paulo Carvalho on my cellphone contacts proved to be the key for a troublesome door. Oh, and did I forget to mention that all the procedures I had to make were with software in Chinese language? Obv it would be too easy if could fully read what the computer was saying. So here's what I had to do.

- Open the computer, take out the hard disk check if it looks in good conditions, plug all wires again - Failed

- Boot from the Windows CD - Failed

- Install Windows again - Failed, but from what my limited chinese could read apparently the hard disk was damaged.

- Buy a new hard disk, install it.

- Not find the motherboard CD, so open the computer again to check qhich model and download the corresponding drivers.

- Realize that most of the software is still not running well, update whatever I needed.

- Try to find and install all the software that the old disk had, in Chinese of course.

Other than the lost data from the old disk, which I will still try to recover when I go back to Lisbon, I did what I could to put my father's computer operational again. I was in a bit of hurry since he's coming back tomorrow. Despite my efforts, I'm pretty sure I will still be scolded, and it wasn't even my fault.

Anyway, big thanks to Paulo Carvalho for all the help and patience. I'm going to link to his blog as soon as possible, where you can watch some live stream drafts, altough the comments are made in Portuguese I'm afraid. And remember, if you're able to read new posts these days, it's in great part thanks to him!

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